Waste Management

Society waste management

Into the society waste management initiative, we deliver awareness among the community of society and provide knowledge regarding how to segregated dry waste and wet waste at theirs home. We also provide solutions for the both waste on Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

Waste Management

Industrial Plant waste management

Into the industrial waste consultant initiative, we are ready to give solution to stake holders for the all types of industrial waste. Into the all types of waste canteen waste management, garden waste management, hazardous waste management, industrial solid waste management, metal waste management, etc. This initiative also helpful for the environment and stakeholders made zero waste landfill in the environment.

Waste Consultant

Solid waste consultant

Into the solid waste consultant initiative, we are also helpful to the Recycler unit in Gujrat to provide and arrange waste for the Recycling. We are managing to provide reuse of all types of waste to Recycling unit and made products from the waste. Into the product we have plastic bricks, blocks, Garden bench, school bench, Dustbin, plastic tiles. Etc.

Waste Consultant

All Types of waste consultant

Into the all types of waste consultant we are providing platform for the recycling of all waste, Solid waste management, industrial plant waste management, canteen waste management, garden waste management, E-waste Management, chemical waste management, Hazardous waste Management, plastic waste management, cardboard and paper waste management, Metal waste management, Aluminum waste management, etc. we are providing all types of waste solution under GPCB guidelines.


Awareness Drive Campaign

Into the all types of waste consultant we are providing platform for the recycling of all waste, Solid waste managemInto This Projects we are also started awareness drive campaign for the waste segregation and cleanliness drive of the society, community, and school, colleges, etc. into this activity we are playing skirt play, Drama, awareness Relly, Benners and posters distributions.There were we are also doing behaviour change process and Door to door awareness for the community enhancement.